Wednesday, December 31, 2014

 December at Myrtle Beach State Park

After spending time hopscotching between the 3 local Walmarts, the State Park is offering 1/2 price monthly rates for Dec-Feb.

 There is even a Dog Park withing walking disance!

And if we're not in the Park we're meeting friends on the Beach

The Sunrises are Beautiful here

I usually have the beach to myself to look for seashells

Then there are the Birds 

Tucson also likes to take the Nature Trail to the Beach

He also likes the Horses that ride on the Beach as they leave tasty treats behind

 Had some beautiful skies.

and plenty of photo ops

They even have a very nice Art Museum

Plus while I'm here I get to finish the Baltimore Painted Screen for my sister

 It was a nice place to spend Chistmas

 My stay ended January 1st.  I headed out to parts unknown.   Thought maybe I would do the month stay at either Hunting Island or Edisto Beach.  As I leave the campground the RV starts making a funny noise.  I pull into the parking lot and check under the hood and the drive belt is shredded.  After much negotiation with the Park they allow me to spend the night in the parking lot as I don't want to be towed on New Years Day.

The day after new years I get towed to Larry's Automotive.  After a few hours they finally determine it is the Harmonic Balancer.  They call Ford and are told it is no longer manufactured and there are none left on the planet.  The prospect of living in the repair shop

Parking lot is not appealing.  Fortunately, my friend Lynn in Florence offers to come get me and let me stay at her house until the repairs are done.  One week later a part is found and I get the call that it is fixed.  Rather than have poor Lynn drive me back (she worked  6 long days that week) a friend I met in Myrtle Beach also named Lynn, offered to come get me.   Such nice people I know and meet!
Lynn had me over for dinner and I parked in the driveway next door for the night.    

$650 poorer I hit the road.   Decide to stop one last time at Huntington Beach State Park.