Friday, December 29, 2017

Tucson - Arizona Bowl

Gary got tickets for the Arizona Bowl at the VA so a group of us is going to watch the first play-off game - Utah vs. New Mexico - both are Aggies

 What is that up in the sky?  A Bird?  A Plane?
No -- its the Air Force Paratroopers

Opening ceramonies.

 The National Anthem

 Utah gets a touch down early in the 1st Quarter
The Utah Mascot - Big Blue visits the stands
At half time it is a tie game

At half time, painter Joe Everson sings America the Beautiful

 and paints Iwo Jima at the same time
 Utah Cheering squad is having a good time

At the end of the 3rd quarter the score is still tied 13/13 and it was getting quite chilly so we left.  New Mexico ended up winning their first bowl game since 1960 in overtime 26/20.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tucson - December

Another bike ride with a group that regularly rides 30 plus miles each time.
It isn't long before we are left in the Dust
Beth keeps us company

We go slow enough to check out the views like this wall mural

and A Mountain

Bridges to cross
and Road Runners who have the right of way

Gary leads the final stretch.  We did about14-16  miles after taking a small wrong turn detour. 

I had hoped to get back before the 30 miles group but Judy passed us just as I had that thought

and there are more Meet Me at Maynards walks.  We have to get our 8 walks T-Shirt before we leave!

Look who joined us this week!

They give out red "blinkies" so walkers can be seen at night

 the Pima County Office Building

 a nice sunset tonight

A stop at the Screamery at the end of the hike
 Tucson is hoping for some too.

 An early Birthday present for me - a new 5th Wheel!
Moving day.
The layout has everything we have been looking for except it is 6" over my 35 foot limit.

 Time to relax in the heated, massaging recliners and watch TV
 Kitchen and dining room table


 Great Closet and Dresser - room for our clothes!

 Bathroom and Shower
 Living room

 It fits in our spot!

The 4th Avenue Arts and Crafts Festival is always fun.  We go with our neighbors Sandy and Owen

 they have some really good food too
 Some artists do art while they sell their art
 We are watched over by the Tiki God! 
and before you know it is Christmas

A nice hike at Sweetwater Preserve to walk off dinner

A smoking hot Saquaro
Sandy and Owen stop for a photo op

A nice crested Saguaro
Saquaros everywhere!