Friday, October 14, 2022

Waynesville, NC - 2nd week October

Busy week, starts out with the 1st annual Crafty old ladies Art and Craft Show.  There were 7 of us with a variety of items.  Not a lot of of traffic but everyone sold something. 

My stuff


Sunday is a beautiful day so we drive up to the Cataloochee Ski Area. Maggie valley is decorated for Fall. 

Foliage is reaching Peak color up there.

We parked about 1/2 mile from top and walked.

Holy Cow!


 What a view!

 Get back to campground and see that bigfoot is enjoying the Fall foliage as well!

Finish the rock I started painting at the craft show.

It's getting quiet around here as people return home for the Winter

The leaves are falling fast and furious so we take a ride up to the Blue Ridge Parkway to do a hike at Graveyard Fields.

The colors are stunning on the way up

The higher up we go, the less color there is

We're at the top!

We get near Graveyard Fields and there are lots of cars parked on the road.  We test our parking karma and go to the parking lot and find a spot.

Starting with steps isn't a good omen

It levels out

Then we have a choice to make - upper or lower Falls?  Lower is shorter so we head there.

We arrive at the top of the Falls

And there are stairs down - a lot of them

  We made it!

Tucson takes a dip

We all take a break.  Gary spots a large grou heading down so we head out.  Our timing was great - just us and 1 other couple we passed 8 people a 5 dogs going back up.

What goes down, goes back up!

A beautiful drive home as well

We get home in time for Tucson to walk with Winnie

Tucson loves Winnie 

















Friday, October 7, 2022

Waynesville, NC - 1st week October

It's Pumpkin Season!

And Elk Season.  We drive down to Cataloochee Valley to try and catch some Elk Bugling.  We catch a small herd of about 20 on our way into the Valley.

There aren't any yet in the main fields yet

So we park and take a short hike.



We go a ways and turn around at a bridge crossing.

We head back to where we saw the herd.

Tucson keeps a look out

The herd is still there.  This Bull has a harem of 14 that I could count.

We catch him bugling

Poor guy is striking out with the ladies

We head home and catch this guy - he's looking a little lovelorn too.

We drive by Bigfoot 

And wind our way back home

Dinner out

For the most part it has been a beautiful week.  We take advantage and do a walk around Junaluska Lake.

Colors are starting to pop.

Even the squirrels are out and about.

Another Art after dark walk downtown.

They know me!

A break at Axe and Awl listening to music

And they are celebrating Me!


What a great week.  Hard to believeonly have have 2 weeks left here!