Saturday, June 15, 2024

Waynesville NC - 1st 2 Weeks June

We start the month with the unveiling of the new Gateway to the Great Smokey Mountains Arch in downtown Waynesville.

Then we cross under it for a rde to the Blue Ridge Parkway in search of Rhododendrons in bloom

I had heard that Rhododendrons on the trail at Pink Beds by the Cradle of Forestry we're at peak.

Disappointed the Rhododendrons were on their way out but the Mountain Laurel we're coming into bloom

Regardless it's a nice hike

A nice bridge

And a nice hike.  Stop at Jukebox Junction for lunch.

Gary and I take a ride over to Gatlinburg to ride the Roaring Forks Motor Nature Trail

It's a 5.5.mile one way loop with some small parking areas along the way with historic buildings to see or some trailheads to Fall hikes.

Still in search of a Rhododendron forest, we hike the Craggy Pinnacle Overlook


It's a short hike, but all uphill.

The Mountain Laurel are starting to come out.

I think we're almost there.

A few more steps

We're in the clouds now

A well deserved rest

Photo op on the way back down.  Nice hike!

A visit to The rodeo.  

A busy couple week!


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