Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Waynesville NC -Last 2 Weeks July

The Sunflowers are out

We decide to venture down to Cataloochee Valley to see if we can find some Elk

We pass by Big Foot

We reach the divide, it's all downhill from here

It a very narrow winding road 

We reach the valley and over the bridge

And we come across this young bull

We continue down the road

 Past the cantilever barn

To the end of the road where there is a trail.  We Park, there are no Elk in the field and take Tucson for a short walk.

I love the mountain tiger lilies

We get back to the parking lot just as an Elk comes out from the woods

Getting back into the car this female was heading towards us and my door was locked.  Got in before she came alongside it.

I got her number!

A few more appear in the field

And into the parking lot

And crossing the road

We head back out.  Prettiest horse manure iv ever seen!

Another Elk ahead 

And he's a handsome one!

They're starting to venture out in the fields.  Will have to venture back in the Fall when they are bugling.

It's 90 degrees so we do a ride up to Water Rock Knob.

Much cooler up here.  A little too early for a sunset.

The view across the way looks clearer 

The fog is rolling in

The first view is completely fogged in now.  Time to go.

Found some chairs to replace the loveseat.  Taking it to Scallywags to sell on consignment.

Gary is heading out next week to visit his daughter, grandkids and great grandchildren.  Gotta get stuff done!


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