Sunday, October 13, 2024

Escape to NYS - 2nd week in October

We head to Rochester, taking the scenic route through the Adirondacks 

We arrive at our campground in Webster Park

I get together with my cousins for dinner.

The Aurora Borealis is supposed to be visible tonight, but figure we'll miss it because it's always after my bedtime.  Got home from dinner with my Cousins and got a text from one at 8pm saying it was visible then.  We rushed out at 8:30 and drove to the Lake to check it out.  We weren't the only ones.

Could only see a very faint pink haze and my camera was no good.

But Gary got a decent shot with his. Guess it was more vivid earlier, but now at least I can say I saw them.

It's a beautiful day so we head to the Webster Pier 

Nex we stop at the Nature Reserve for a short hike

We opt for the .75 mile blue trail.

A smoke house renovated by a girl scout troop.

And a pirate skeleton tree root 

Another nice day, we try a short hike in Webster Park.

We make a wrong turn and end up back at the campground - perfect!

There's a group of about 16 sites in the campground with lots of kids.  They were walking around in costumes as we were leaving for the Reunion.

Then it's time for the reunion.  

Unfortunately, three good friends I was coming to see canceled.  But got to see my cousin Ed, and his wife Lorraine and fellow classmate Robin.

A low turnout for the class of 73.   10 out of 200+

My Senior picture, 51 years ago!  

We head back to the campground.  Tomorrow sounds like a wash out.  Was supposed to visit my good friend Laura, but unfortunately she is feeling sick and thinks it could be COVID.  

Tomorrow it's back to NC!.

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