Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ohio Amish Country

July 25, 2018

We head to Amish Country with our friends Dan and Earlene

Our first stop is Lehmans Hardware Store in Dalton, OH

 The store has just about everything you need or didn't know you needed

 The Amish kids get to sneak in a video
 There was a display of relief carvings done entirely with hand tools by an Amish Man.   The wood blocks are 9" deep Butternut

 We go next door to check out the livestock auction
 We aren't the only ones

I found the one I want.
 It's a light crowd

Next stop Heini's Cheese Chalet

 Looks to be a popular place
 They weren't making cheese today
But there are plenty of choice and all have samples!

We continue on a drive through the countryside

 He was stuck - asked if we could help but he said no
 A little further down the road we came across a flagman on horseback.  We were like "Whaaat?"
Turns out it was a convoy of about 2 dozen horse and buggies on a 15 mile drive
 So we pulled over and watched the parade

HAY!  All in all . . .

It was a Peachy Keen day!

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