Thursday, December 27, 2018

Florida - Christmas trip to Jekyll Island

We find out that we have a couple extra days off this week because the office will be closed or closing early for the Holiday so we head off to Jekyll Island for a couple of days - returning to the scene of the crime 

It's about a 2.5 hour drive from our park.
Over the bridge
Almost there!

We are almost to the campground

Back to where we met

We hooked up with our friends Ada and Mike and went golfing

Golf was free today but there was only one pull cart and Gary's bag didn't have a strap so guess who got to carry theirs

It's a pretty course
But after my score I think it's for the birds

We head to motel afterwards to check in

We went back to Ada and Mike's for dinner and cards.
The next morning we walk on Driftwood Beach 

Tucson tries to make a friend but this "snowman" is giving him the cold shoulder.
We can see across to St. Simons Lighthouse
The boys taking in the views
We walk up to the bike trail which has been divided by a creek after the last hurricane
I spot this Egret in a dead tree

We walk for about 15 minutes down the bike trail when I tell Gary we really should get back in case the tide is coming in.

This was the creek on our way out
I didn't get a picture on the way back because I was too busy taking off my shoes and rolling up my pants.  The tide was coming in and the creek was a good 20 feet across and a foot deep.  Here is Gary putting his shoes back on before heading to the truck.
Tucson always ready to pose for a picture

He had a blast chasing the sea foam

We stopped at the Pier at Clam Creek
It was quite windy so we didn't stay long

 I did a bike ride with Ada and Debbie while Gary visited with Debbie's husband Tom who was recovering from a broken rib.

Road by the cottages decorated for Christmas
They even put in a Plastic "Ice" skating rink

It was a 15 mile ride - a strong headwind on the return trip.

Worked up an appetite so we ate out
Went to the Beach House with Ada and Mike and than
back to the Hotel for some cards

The next day we headed back home
Gary spotted this Bald Eagle on  a Pole on our way off the Island

Not long before we are back in Florida
 We stop in Fernandina Beach as Gary has never been
 Tucson makes friends with the locals
 and takes advantage of the Bark Bar as we peruse any properties that might have his ever elusive back yard,
 Tucson likes fish but he's not too impressed with this Shark
The Pier is popular with Pelicans - say that 10 times really fast!
 A quick drive onto the Beach

Then we took the scenic route home which included a Ferry ride over to Jacksonville.  We stopped at this restaurant just before the Ferry for lunch.  It was delish!  I had the Cashew Encrusted Grouper and Gary had the Seafood Alfredo. 

We headed to the Ferry and just missed it - so instead of waiting 1/2 hour for the next one, we drove the rest of the way home. The trip was a really nice way to spend Christmas and my Birthday.

Back to work!

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