Sunday, July 7, 2019

Trip North - Sidney, NY - Week 1

We arrive in Sidney, NY to house-sit for Gary's old neighbors while
they take there family on a National Parks tour through the US to Banff in Canada.
 Tucson likes his new yard
 Lucy isn't happy that her pack is gone - 
good thing she has a security blanket
Caleb enjoys his new sleeping accommodations while here.
We enjoy a nice firepit
 Gary finds some new toys to play with
I find a toy too - It's been 12 years but I guess it's like riding a bike

 A nice spot to enjoy morning coffee
 We explore the area and have to see the NYS version of Guilford Lake
 Tucson gives it a paws up
 I find my new Hoppy Place!

 It's Taco Truck Night
 It is a Farm Brewery but they also have Cider on Tap

 We sit inside to enjoy our drinks and Tacos

We get a comfy seat made from an old Canoe
and watch the River Run by. 

Ready for Week 2!

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