Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Trip North - Sidney, NY - Steamtown National Historic Site

Caleb came with us to Sidney.  He finds out that Steamtown Historic National Site is in Scranton, PA about 1.5 hours away.   Guess where we went.

 Steamtown takes up close to 40 acres of the Scranton railroad yard of the Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railroad.  It is an operating railroad site so moving trains can go by.
 Union Pacific 4012 is one of the world's largest steam locomotives and is one of eight preserved Union Pacific "Big Boy" locomotives.
 The wheels are taller than Caleb
Caleb gets a video of one of the trains passing through.

 There are lots of old trains in the yard

 We continue on to the actual Museum
 Behind the Visitor's Center is the Turntable and 1902 Roundhouse Section
 The turntable is 90' long and was used for turning 
engines toward the roundhouse
 We enter the Roundhouse where they work on the trains.
 The Nickel Plate #759.  The Nickel Plate Road offered the shortest, fasted route between Buffalo and Chicago.  It is believed to be the most powerful locomotive ever built. 

There is a History Museum and a Technology Museum.\
We got to walk through and old Mail Train. 
 See a Locomotive Engine cut away to see the inner workings.

 And a  Business Car
 Caleb wanted to take the behind the scenes tour of the Locomotive Repair Shop.  We let him go and Gary and  I found a seat in the shade.  I wandered out and got a few more outdoor shots.  
There was a Trolley Museum which we didn't visit.

We spent a good 5 hours here.  On the way out we passed this old Train Station.

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