Friday, June 28, 2019

Trip North - Rochester - Week 4

We brought Gary's grandson Caleb for a visit from Albany on Amtrak.
 He is a Train fanatic so this week's theme is Trains, Trains and More Trains.
We got him a good camera for giving up Soda for a year.  He got a lot of use out of it this week.

We started at the Tree Farm down the road that has a petting zoo.  My friends and her daughter always bring food and feed them.  We tagged along.  
Caleb getting a shot of the Zebu and a goat.

 Hey!  What am I - Chopped Liver?
You don't ignore this Camel very long.  She loves men.

a new addition my friends daughter got to hold - a baby Wallaby

My friend was able to hook up Caleb with a boy in town the same age as him that is as into trains as he is.  We drove them to some tracks and they took pictures and videos for 3.5 hours   They saw 16 trains - more than Caleb gets to see in a week back home.  They even caught a Union Pacific.

We have a really nice day so we head back to Letchworth.  Caleb is hoping to catch a train going over the Bridge.  He and Tucson scope out the river.

 Caleb waited 2.5 hours for a train and we finally made the call to leave.  Of course as we got about 2 minutes away - a train crossed over.
 We take Caleb downtown to see the High Falls district. 
 He gets a shot of the Falls and a Train going over!
Caleb and I walked over to an area at the top of the Falls closer to the Tracks while Gary waited in a shaded comfy chair in Brown's Race.  I decided to give him 20 minutes there.  18 Minutes later a train crossed over and it had some rare caboose on it - so he was happy.

We head up to Ontario Beach for lunch and find that the 
Santa Maria replica is in port.

 Caleb and I walk out to the end of the Pier

 On the way back there were a few Minks playing in the rocks.  This one had a fish of some sort.
 They are so darn cute!
 Had to stop and see the Carousel

Tomorrow we head to Sidney, NY to house-sit for the month.

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