Sunday, June 16, 2019

Trip North - Rochester - Week 2

I take Gary to the Rose Gardens figuring they would be in bloom
since the Festival was this past weekend.  There were some in bloom
but not as many as I expected.
Maplewood Park was on of several Parks in Rochester laid out by 
Frederick Law Olmstead

Since we didn't spend much time looking at Roses, we head to the trail to the Waterfalls on the Genessee River.   A statue of Frederick Douglas.  He lived in Rochester from 1847 to 1872, longer than anywhere else in his life.

 Gary explains to Tucson why he can't swim in the River here.

 Remains of Kelsey's Landing.  In the 1840's you could take a nonstop boat to Detroit from Kelsey's Landing. It was also a departure point for slaves escaping to Canada on the Underground Railway.
  "The Seat of Remembering and Forgetting" is a sculpture that depicts
the faces and hands of the community's youth.
 The house I lived in from 4th grade through High School is just around the corner so we did a drive by.  When we lived there it was Pepto Bismal Pink!
Visited friends in Webster and they took us to the Lake to check out the flooding.
The Marina's Gas dock is under water.

 Headed to my Dad's grave before Father's Day to
Plant some flowers.

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