Monday, April 15, 2024

Winter Trip 2023/24 - Nebraska

We head to Nebraska and layover at Holiday RV Park In North Platte, about the 1/2 way point. 

On our way out, we have to see Bailey Yard,  the world's largest classification yard. 

The 80 story tower represents the golden Spike

 This massive yard covers 2,850 acres, reaching a total length of eight miles and 2 miles wide.  It has 200 tracks totaling 315 miles of track, 985 switches, 766 turnouts, and 17 receiving and 16 departure tracks.  Every 24 hours, Bailey Yard handles 10,000 railroad cars.  

In 1947 Washington, D.C., columnist Drew Pearson initiated a friendship train, funded entirely through personal donations, which provided $40 million worth of supplies to help France recover. To show their appreciation French citizens gathered forty-nine boxcars, decorated with plaques representing the forty provinces of France, and filled them with gifts for Americans. This “Gratitude Train” or “Merci Train” arrived in New York City in February 1949, with a boxcar designated for each state (the District of Columbia and the territory of Hawaii shared a boxcar).

 The golden spike is the ceremonial 17.6-karat gold final spike driven by Leland Stanford to join the rails of the first transcontinental railroad across the United States connecting the Central Pacific Railroad from Sacramento and the Union Pacific Railroad from Omaha on May 10, 1869 

The final stretch

We made it!

We have a comfortable living space downstairs with access to the lake 

Gary relaxes in the sitting room above ours with a the great view of the Lake.

Tucson loves the Beach

Dave took a dip in the Lake every morning in the cold water around 5 am before work.  He went in at a more reasonable hour on the weekend.

He also enjoyed the paddle board we gave them as a house warming present

A nice visit.  Next stop Brandon, MOm


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