Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Waynesville NC - 1st 2 weeks May

We make it back to Waynesville

Get unloaded

Place is looking good!

Looks like some chimney swallows have moved into the neighborhood.

We get our first motorcycle ride in

A beautiful day.  

Today's ride is the Rattler - 24 miles, 290 curves

A quick stop at Trust General Store

A stop in Marshall for lunch

And back on the road with a slight delay

The Bridge of Madison County!

And back to the beginning 

Spring is in the air. Another perfect 73 degree day.

The local RV guy uncovered a neighbors 5th wheel to get it ready for their arrival and found these hungry guys.  We were afraid the mother would be scared off.

But she came back

Glad we're back!


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