Friday, September 6, 2024

Waynesville NC - 1st week September

We start out the week with a Forest hike to Log Hollow and Discovery falls.  There's supposed to be 3 Falls on the hike

We encountered a tour group coming out as we started.  They warned us that there was a large rattlesnake stretched out on the trail a short way in.

When we go to the clearing there was no snake in the trail.  We continued and I stopped when I heard a rattling.  It sounded like it was coming from further into the field, then I looked down at the edge of the trail and saw it.

Continued on

And find the 1st Falls

And then another one, well hidden by foliage 

Butterflies sure like the Thistle 

The trail gets more overgrown

And an obstacle to get around.  Though Gary could hear water, the trail virtually disappears and we've gone further than the 1 way distance the trail is supposed to be, so we turned around.

The next morning Tucson says Hi to Winnie

And Winnie keeps me company while I wait for laundry to dry.

We get a nice evening that looks like we might get a good sunset so we ride up to Waterrock Knob 

Looks like Chief Junaluska a leader of the Cherokee who resided in towns in western North Carolina in the early 19th century. He fought alongside Andrew Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend during the War of 1812/Creek War.

Another beautiful day for a hike.  We arrive at Graveyard Fields and actually find parking.

A beautiful view and start of Fall colors

We plan on hiking to the Upper Falls, we did the lower and middle Falls 2 years ago.  It is 3 miles RT and is rated moderately challenging.  It starts with stairs down.

Through Rhododendrons 

and Mountain Laurel

And more stairs down

The Yellow Prong that feeds the Falls

The lower falls are at the end of this spot in the creek

Then stairs up.

This is where we pick up the Graveyard Loop Trail and Upper Falls.

A nice boardwalk through blueberry bushes.  This trail must be swamped during blueberry season.

The turnoff for the Upper Falls

The trail starts getting gnarly.  Some people we encounter coming the other way say we're only 20 mins away with 3 Stream crossings 

15 mins later we are told we're only 29 minutes away 

It's getting more challenging and know we are told it's just around the corner

10 mins later we reach the turnoff.  

It's all uphill from here

And 10 minutes later the Falls!  It's been pretty dry so we head they're not as spectacular as usual.

Glad we made it, now the return trip.

When we get back to the Graveyard Fields Loop trail we continue in the direction we were going when we turned off for the Upper Falls for some different views.

A new bridge

A walk in the woods

Signs that Fall is approaching 

More boardwalks 

And stairs

I was not looking forward to going up all those stairs we went down at the start, then this staircase appeared.

Happy to find it led up to the parking lot!  Glad we went this way!

A challenging but fun hike.  Ended up 3.5 miles.

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