Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tour of Newport with Beth

 Gary and Art are going to work on fixing the floor leak on the RV.  Beth offers to show me the lighthouses I missed and downtown Newport.

Our first stop is the Yaquina Head Lighthouse.  True to form it was raining all the way here but now it has stopped
The light has a Fresnel Lens

At 93' it is the tallest lighthouse on the Oregon Coaste

It can be seen 19 mile out at sea which is good considering how treacherous this coastline is.

We just missed the last tour but caught the lighthouse keeper leaving.

Next is the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse
 Built in 1871 it was decommissioned in 1874. It is thought to be the oldest building in Newport. It is the only Oregon lighthouse with the living quarters attached, and it is the only historic wooden lighthouse still standing in Oregon.

The view is great

 It has been beautifully restored.

 A drive through the Old Harbor area brings us to these docks set up for the Seals.

We could hear them long before we saw them.  A little two part harmony.
The Sea Lions really love Art - they are constantly calling for him - Art!  Art!  Art!

Thanks Beth for showing me around!

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