Monday, August 20, 2018

Back to New York - Letchworth State Park - Glen Iris Inn

August 20, 2018

On our way to Albany I made plans to stay a few days at Letchworth State Park - to show Gary the Park also known as the Grand Canyon of the East.

The Park is 17 miles long and the campground is in quite a ways from the north end.

Our friends Kathy and John drive down from Rochester to have lunch with us at the Glen Iris Inn

 We just sat down and were ready to order when the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building

We gather outside

 What should we do? 

After waiting an hour we decide to go check out the Middle Falls.

 The gorge cut by the Genesee River can be up to 600 feet high in places
 A view from the top

We returned to the Inn but the fire department still had not arrived to to turn off the alarm.  If this had been a real fire the historic Inn would have burned to the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Letchworth State Park looks very nice place near a fall and the travelers would love to enjoy this great lower fall. short term park and fly deals


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