Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Escalante, UT - North Creek Road to Barker Reservoir

Today is windy so we do a drive over to North Creek road which goes up to Barker Recreation Area and Barker Reservoir
Oh boy - another windy mountain road
Nice view down
for a dirt road it is in pretty nice shape
We enter Dixie National Forest
and at about 8 miles in we come across the North Creek Reservoir
Water Mom!
We had stopped in  town at the Phillips 66 across the street and picked up Subway for lunch.  Tried one of the local shops but they are only open for pick up on the weekends.
A nice picnic table and we are able to practice social distancing as I don't think there is anyone else up here today
A nice stream runs through the spot

We  continue another few miles up the road

Following the creek

And finally find the turnoff for Barker Recreation Area

A winding drive through Aspen - reminds me of Colorado

and then we come to an opening with a panoramic view

Look - a campground just for me!
We head to the Upper Barker Day use area and see this sign posted.  Tucson will be on a leash here!
But Daddy - the sign says there are Beaver traps here!
A lovely reservoir!

We decide to walk one of the trails for a ways.  We are just over 9,000 feet elevation so there is still some snow around.

Tucson found another snow pile!

We will definitely be back to do some fishing.  We talked to a couple DNR guys and they said the lakes are all stocked

Guess this is why they have Beaver traps
Oops looks like we have to turn around
More Beaver work
We head out - the Rangers said there are usually Elk hanging out in the Meadow in the Evening.  We will camp up here but have to wait till it warms up a bit.
and soon we are back at North Creek Reservoir

It never ceases to amaze me how trees can take hold
in solid rock foundations.

and back home

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