Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Escalante, UT - Petrified Forest State Park Hike

After we finish work . . .

We head to Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

We came to do the Petrified Forest Loop trail along with
the Trail of the Sleeping Rainbows.
It is n uphill start
The Park sits on Wide Hollow Reservoir
A nice little campground
A view down to a cattle ranch
and we continue to march forward
Gary has Tucson as pull assist
 You know I love hikes with stairs!

Almost to the top and the main trail
Quite a view from up here
The trail leads into Cedar woods - all different twisted shapes -
this one like a ribbon
We come to our first petrified wood
The Petrified Forest trail loops back to the left - we continue onto the Sleeping Rainbow trail as we have heard that is where most of the Petrified Wood is
Don't forget to carry lots of water with you on hikes in Utah
We start to see more petrified wood
You can see how the trail became named Sleeping Rainbows
Here we go to the Sleeping rainbows
What goes up must go down
Gary brings up the rear
We take a short break
The views are stunning and there is quite a bit of Petrified Wood along the way
This one had a purple tone

It's a long way down Mom!
Gary takes in the view
Looks like we are going back up now
Some interesting rock along the way
and more beautiful views
Tucson leads the way back
and Gary brings up the rear
I think we are almost back to the main trail
Another stunning backdrop
We can see the Reservoir guess we followed the right trail

A Balanced Rock
Back in the parking lot there is a mostly whole tree
It reseted in a ravine 2 miles south of the Park.  Crews needed heavy machinery to lift and transport the tree segments to the Park.  The base of the tree is estimated to weigh 2 Tons. 

It is said that bad luck follows people who remove the petrified logs.

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