Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Kings Canyon Hume Lake

Gary is concerned we are running low on gas so we head to Hume Lake, one of the only places you can get gas up near the park.

We arrive, it is a Christian Camp.  I go to the office to find out if there is a hiking trail along the Lake while Gary gases up.

10 minutes later I return and Gary is still pumping gas and only 50 cents worth.  The attendant comes out and has everyone hold their pump up for 20 seconds - then it worked.

 The Lake is absolutely beautiful

 We find the trail.  It goes completely around the lake, about 2.6 miles.  We only do a section because there are two other hikes scheduled for today.
 Tucson plays King of the Hill
 and can't resist a dip in the water
 A Stellar Jay posed nicely for a picture
 We head out and catch a view of the Lake from afar
 We drive down to the Scenic overlook of both sides of the Canyon before the steep winding road to Cedar Grove.  I figure Gary has done enough winding roads and we don't need to do this one.

Off to the next two hikes - The Boole Tree and Chicago Stump

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