Friday, May 31, 2019

Trip North - Ohio - Free time

We came to Ohio to help our friend whose husband died last Fall.  Lots of little projects, Keep the farm and trails mowed, take care of a few fallen trees, mow, weed and mulch the beds at the house, power wash the patio and porch, set out the porch and patio furniture and some other stuff.  We do find time to have some fun too.

A walk on the Bike trail.
 Trillium is in full bloom, I have never seen a burgandy one before but the hills are full of them here.

 We looked for Morels but didn't find any
 The trail follows beaver creek.
 Tucson spotted this Kitty but it didn't want to come out and play
 Had lunch at the Spread Eagle Inn

 and got a couple rounds of golf in - $6 each with a cart!

Even got nice enough weather for a campfire

Got in a couple bike rides

 I guess this guy came down the hill a little too fast.

 and finally made it to Mill Creek Park in Boardman. 
Wish we had found this last year! 

Went shopping for a new tree for the front yard

and watched as 2 young bucks put it in.
One our way to the Lake we always pass by these two Swans

 The house is looking nice
 Jean's husband Jim always helped with the flag project.  Residents can "rent" a flag for the year.  It gets installed before Memorial Day and comes out in the Fall and stored at the Barn.  We brought down 125 flags.
 We made it out on the Lake

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Trip North - Ohio - The Farm

May 2019

We made it!
Hurry up Daddy!  I want to go back in my Dog House!
 Our first morning is quite lovely

 Not long before Tucson is back on his trails.
 This year the deer make it up to our site

 and we also have 3-4 turkeys

 I finally managed a quick shot of the ever elusive Red Tail Hawk
 On took 2 days for the hummingbirds to find my feeder
It is Spring so the birds are singing


 Even got a shot of the elusive Cardinal

Gold finches are everywhere

We also have a flock of Turkey Vultures.  The like to perch on the Barn Roof.

 But Tucson doesn't like them there so he chases them off.

The sheep are out on the Farm next door.

The sheep haven't wandered, but the Sheep herder did.
 The Fairy Hammocks are out again.

Jean is having some trees harvested this  year so we walked into the woods to check out the trees.  This big old oak is being saved.