Saturday, February 12, 2022

Trip South - Tucson - Weeks 13 &14

 Well, February starts out with Gary going to VA for Cardiac Catheterization to clear him for knee surgery.  I am his designated driver so I wait in the waiting room.

They don't like what they see and he is admitted.  So I am stuck home alone with the dog.

My dear friend who passed away last February daughters sent me a fewof her things to remember her by.  I finished a painted feather for them in return.  Picture is with her cat and was one of the Memorial Pictures

While walking Tucson one morning before going to visit Gary in the VA, 
a young Coyote runs behind the Row of RVs across from us. 

It gets a bit chilly here in Tucson, fortunately I unhooked the water line before going to bed.

Gary's primary Nurse was kind enough to show me where this nice courtyard is with
 a Cafe where I can grab a bite while I'm here.  I grab something and sit by the fountain

I stop at CVS on the way home to pick up some envelope to mail some forms Gary has to send to the VA.  I backed in far away from everyone, but as I was walking to find the envelopes, a clerk came running after me shouting "do you own a blue truck?"  I said yes and she said "someone hit it"  
Can this week get any worse?

Finally some good news - they released Gary but still don't know what is causing his issues so we have to wait for them to set up more tests.  It's good to have him back!

I cook one of his favorites - a Turkey Breast  -in the Sun Oven of course

I had made plans quite awhile ago to go to the Desert Museum with our friend Sandy.  Since Gary is home I feel comfortable going as we have many friends who will keep an eye on him

On our way to the free flight, we run across the usually suspects
My buddy Cruz (you can usually see him here on cold mornings- the rock is heated)

There is a Great Horned Owl hanging out at the Bear Den

and the Mexican Gray Wolf

It's a windy morning so we weren't sure how the free flight would go.  They had 3 birds.

The Great Horned Owl - who flew up to our viewing pavilion


and had quite a bit to say

The Cara Cara

and the Harris Hawks
 One of which was kind enough to pose on the sculpture.

Gary is feeling better - made us a great breakfast

One morning walking Tucson, he heads to the wash and starts staring intensely at the gate, the sun is straight in my eyes and I can't see a thing.  Is it one of his dog friends?  A coyote?  We venture up to the gate and I see a huge Javelina on the other side.  We make an about face and head up towards the Park.  I turn around and see these two on our side of the fence,

The week is going well until one night while watching a movie at home, I get chest pain and it becomes very painful to breath.  I tell Gary I think I should go to urgent care.  It is 10 pm and one is open nearby.  They take an EKG and she thinks it is slightly abnormal and I should to to an ER.

We head to St. Josephs 11 p,m, and I am taken in for tests, another EKG which is normal, a lung x-ray, CT lung scan and blood work.  At 3 a.m I am told I have nodules on my lungs and they are admitting me.  At 6 a.m. I am given a bed in the ER.   I listen to others who seem much worse off than me.

At 11 p.m. I am told I am being taken to a real hospital room.  They wheel me up but there is no bed and they are told the room hasn't been sanitized yet so I am wheeled back down to ER.  At 2 a.m. I am finally taken to my room and it is after 3 a.m. before I fall asleep.  I of course am woken at 4, 5 and 6 a.m. to take my vitals.  The Pulmonologist  is convinced it is Valley Fever but the Cardiologist wants to run an Echo-cardiogram before releasing me.  The wait game starts again and at 5 p.m I tell Gary it doesn't look good for me being released.  At 5:15 the charge nurse comes in an tells me I am good to go home - the Echo was normal.   I am sent home with a prescription for an anti-fungal for the Valley Fever.

The rest of the week is all sunshine and singing birds.