Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Escalante, UT - Horseback Ride in Byrce Canyon

We are 50 miles from Bryce Canyon and it finally opened up last week.  
Wanted to do some hiking but we are still nursing Gary's ankle so
we decided we would see it on Horseback.

It's about an hour's drive down Scenic By-Way 12

We arrive in plenty of time at the Park



 Gary is on a Mule named Vance

While I get a Cadillac
There are 35 riders today so it takes 1/2 hour to get everyone mounted.
But we are on the trail by 2:00.  
They break us up into groups of about 10.

and at the Canyon shortly thereafter
 We had signed up for the 3 hour ride but they haven't opened the bathrooms below yet so we do the 2 hour ride which still takes us to the bottom of the Canyon, using many switchbacks.
 Who is that handsome cowboy behind me?
 It is getting really scenic

Dago is our Wrangler/ Guide

 These are Bristlecone pines.  They grow about 1 inch diameter every 100 years.  These trees are around 300 years old.

 This one is about 800 years old. 

 The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine is found in Utah and Nevada and is among the longest-lived life forms on Earth. The oldest  is more than 5,000 years old, making it the oldest known individual of any species.  The green pine needles give the twisted branches a bottle-brush appearance.

 Seal Castle.  They two seals are on the Right on has it's mouth open
 The Lady of Bryce Canyon

Now the scenery gets really interesting

Gary rides past Bart Simpson

 Examples of Fins, the narrow Canyon Walls, Frost wedging creates large cracks, or Windows in the Wall, when windows grow, the tops collapse into columns and they further erode into pillars and Hoodoos, According to Paiute Indians, who inhabited that area for hundreds of years before European Americans arrived, the hoodoos are "Ancient Peoples" who were turned to stone as punishment for bad deeds.

We finish up our ride at 4:00 and catch the horses being taken  back to the Stables/Fields
  We decide we have time to drive the 18 Mile Scenic Road to
Rainbow and Yovimpa Points

 Looks like there was a fire here at one point.  Further in the charred 
areas are filling in with Aspen
 The turnouts are all on the other side so we just make a bee-line to the end.

 Rainbow Point

Black Birch Canyon

Ponderosa Canyon

 Agua Canyon

Natural Bridge

Farview Point

There are few more scenic views - Inspiration Point, Paria View, Bryce Point and Sunrise and Sunset Pints.  It is getting late and Gary's foot is bothering him so we make a final stop at Inspiration Point.  It is a long incline up so Gary waits in the Truck and I just walk to the beginning of the trail.

It is the most amazing one so far.

Have to come back!

A girl that we met at Barker Reservoir works at the Park and recommended The Pines Restaurant - so we head there for our first dinner out in weeks.

A  40 minute wait but worth it!
Gary had the NY Strip Steak and I had the Utah Rainbow Trout.
I'm kind of surprised they let us in in the condition we were in.

The drive home at 7 pm.  Hoped to see some Elk but no luck

Great Day!