Friday, January 31, 2020

Tucson - Last Week in January

We head to Quartzsite to visit friends and check out the million visitors in the desert and the Big Tent.

Our friends live in a small community just outside "downtown" Quartzsite.
They have a really cute place and we stay in their trailer - it's quite comfy

We wake up to heavy fog in the morning - quite unusual for the desert
A view of the Big Tent

3 aisles of everything you didn't know you needed

People parked all over in the desert.  This is one of the Long Term areas.  Most others have a 14 day limit and then you have to relocate

A fun visit time for the trip home. 

Back at home we go to Fiesta Night - Taco Salad followed by High School Folklorica Dancers

 These kids are quite talented.
 and the Costumes are gorgeous
Otherwise it is the usual walks along the wash with the usual suspects.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Tucson - 2nd and 3rd Week January

With Gary's ankle issue we aren't doing any hiking.  Tucson and I have a new morning routine.  We walk the trail behind the Park to the ramp down to the Pantano Wash.

Tucson loves to race around the wash

We cross over the other side to the Bike Path
 There is a dirt path along the bike path that passes along the memorial tree plantings and early morning there aren't many people out,
so Tucson can walk off leash

 Caught this Vermilion Flycatcher
 Hmmm, feathers in the path - that can't be good

Well, Mr. Redtail Hawk thinks it's good

Nice enough for a Hot Air Balloon Ride

Sunny days but pretty chilly nights.

Tucson's outside bed gets a little frosty

We get a full Moon
and some pretty sunsets

Afternoons we might do a walk around the Park. 
On a good day I get my 10,000 steps in.

 This kitty isn't too sure about Tucson
Snagged a deal at Fry's Food on a 1/2 Turkey - $3.52.
 Got a Turkey Dinner, plus soup and another dinner and 2 lunches.
 Also found time to paint some rocks.

Tomorrow we are heading down to Quartzsite to visit friends and see
the masses that descend upon Quartzsite in January!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tucson - First week in January

The 1st Week in 2020 starts out nice.  Tucson and I enjoy our morning walks along the wash.
 As does this Coyote
 The Birds seem to be enjoying the sunshine as well

Though the temperatures take a drop
in the mornings.

Gary's ankle is still a problem so he gets set up with an MRI
at the VA early Saturday morning.  No time for breakfast beforehand so we stop at our favorite breakfast place- Jerry Bob's afterwards.
 Saturday we go with a group of friends from the Park to St. Paul's Methodist Church to package food for the Salvation Army and some local schools.
 Who is that masked man?!?
 All sanitized and geared up to go!
 There were 36 tables set up with productions lines.  Packing Apple Oatmeal each table had 10 people.  Ingredients measured out, placed in bags, weighed, sealed and boxed.  We completed 7 boxes with 36 packets each.  A total of 50,000 meals packaged in 1 hour.
The next day is a beautiful day and Gary is sick of sitting around so we
try a bike ride with his brace on.
 I try to get him to turn around after 7 miles but he insists on continuing
 We end up at this rest area at about 10.25 miles.  Of course I did not have my good camera with my so didn't get a shot of the 5 hawks flying overhead or the 5 Military planes flying side by side.  Lots of planes flying low and criss-crossing the skies - guess they are on high alert.
All in all a good start to the New Year.