Friday, February 28, 2025

Winter Trip 2024/25 - Cocoa, FL, February

The month starts with a nice sunset

and a rocket launch

The birds are enjoying the weather too

We see our friends off from Jetty Park for their cruise 

We spot their pink umbrella

They are on the Venezia, an Italian ship owned by Carnival.  We will be going on it with a good size group from here and NC in January.

Another launch from our back yard

We finally take time for a motorcycle ride 

We are headed to a lighthouse near Cape Canaveral 

We didn't find it but did find SpaceX, where we were turned around and told we had to reserve a tour of the lighthouse.

We head back to Cocoa

And stop at the waterfront park, it's quite nice

Spent the month cleaning out our front bed.  Removing the Bougainvillea that has gotten out of control as well as trimming the shrubs.

By the second week of trimming we filled 3 more yard waste cans.

Maybe next month we can have some more fun!

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